Poetry Books


(2021) EPIC. Guillemot Press.

(2019) A Yarn Er Narrative. London: Contraband Books.


(2017) Apples & Other Languages. Newton-le-Willows: Knives Forks & Spoons.


Artist Bookworks

(2015) Hitchins, S. & Nelson, C. Translating the Coal Forests. Literary Pocket Books & Singing Apple Press.


(2014) A Blackbird in Amongst the Crabapples. Pen Selwood: Singing Apple Press.


(2014) glyph. Pen Selwood: Singing Apple Press.


(2014) keck. Pen Selwood: Singing Apple Press.

Anthologised Work

(2024) from “EPIC” in Jeffreys, T. (ed.) WALKING: Whitechapel Documents of Contemporary Art. The MIT Press.

(2020) “RUN” in Weidner, C. (ed.) Fractured Ecologies. EyeCorner Press.

(2019) 'One Day This Glass Will Break (after Cornelia Parker)' in The End of the World Project Anthology, Lopez, R., Bloomberg-Rissman, J., & Marshall, T. C. (eds.). Moria Books.

(2018) 'One Day This Glass Will Break (after Cornelia Parker)' in James Davies, Tom Jenks & Scott Thurston (eds.) The Other Room Anthology 10. The Other Room Press.

(2017) ‘from Georgia’ in Autumn Richardson & Richard Skelton (eds.) Nature & Death. Corbel Stone Press.

(2014) ‘Appling’ in Ttoouli, G. & Reddick, Y. (eds.) Apple Anthology. Coventry: Nine Arches Press.

(2013) ‘through skoulding’ in Hamilton, N. (ed.) Dear World & Everyone In It. London: Bloodaxe Books.


(2022) “BRITTLE FERN” & “BIOPHILIA” in Nichols,B., Nairne, B G., Hudson, M., Hesse, E. (eds.)


(2021) “from BABBLE in Semmens, A. (ed.) Molly Bloom 24

(2020) excerpt from “Lovesongs of Another Colour” in Perry, E. & Virtanen, J. (eds) Datableed: Issue 12

(2020) from “RUN (October)” in Mosadeq, G. (ed.) Pamenar Press Magazine.

(2020) from “Lockdown Lovesongs” in Semmens, A. (ed.) Molly Bloom: Issue 22.

(2018) 'Scorn Dolly' - a collaboration with Alice McCabe - in Andrew Wells & Iris Colomb (eds.) HVTN 4.1. Haverthorn Press.


(2017) ‘from Willow’ in Poetry Wales, Summer 2017: Vol. 53, No.2.


(2017) ‘F******’ and ‘[Untitled]’ in Caddy, D. (ed.) Tears in the Fence Iss. 66.

(2017) ‘Pine Needle Poem’ in Carberry, M. et al. (eds.) EPIZOOTICS! #2


(2016) ‘There Are Many Reasons for Planting Trees’ in Thompson, L. (ed.) The Clearing


(2016) 'untitled' in Eleanor Perry & Juha Virtanen (eds.) Datableed, Iss. 3.


(2016) 'trimbling' in Rhys Trimble (ed.) CTRL+ALT+DEL: Issue 7.


(2015) ‘Spider’, ‘Aphid Whimsy’ and ‘The Same Apple’ in The Clearing

(2014) ‘kynance’, ‘incoming’ and ‘typically blind’ in The Clearing


(2014) ‘granite lump’, ‘auspice’, moon’ and ‘hallucinating spring’ in Blackie, S. (ed.) Earthlines vol.9.


(2014) ‘congrajulashuns’ in Jacobson, M. (ed.) The New Post-Literate: A Gallery of Asemic Writing.


(2014) ‘The Lichenous Page’ in Taylor, A. (ed.) M58


(2013) ‘she speaks’ and 'untitled' in Jeffreys, T. (ed.) The Learned Pig


(2013)  ‘miracle’, ‘chrysalis’ and ‘fingernail song’ in Sarah Crewe, Pascal O'Loughlin and Linus Slug (eds.) Venus is a Bear. London: Stinky Bear Press.


(2012) ‘Thinking Tree Shapes’ in Landscapes: The Journal of the International Centre for Landscape and Language: Vol. 5: Issue 2, Article 11.


(2012) ‘wrItIng apple’ and ‘from Written Responses to Photographs and Audio Recordings, Reading and Writing with a Tree, 2010-2012’ in Frazer, T. (ed.) Shearsman Magazine 90 & 91.


(2011) ‘nature writing’ and ‘grass work’ in Writers Forearm. London: Writers Forum (New Series).


(2010) ‘hill snow car speak’ in Hamilton, N. & Mackmin, M. (eds.) The RIALTO: Issue 69.


(2010) ‘tree song’ in Godwin, H. & Morris, M. (eds.) Cleaves Journal: Issue 1.


(2009) ‘October’ in Runcie, C. et al (eds.) Pomegranate: Issue 5.        
