BECOMING is a creative enquiry into the relationship of human and nonhuman organisms expressed through the medium of poetry, theory, soundart, fine art and performance. This project investigates what it is to BE fungus, plant, insect, bird and animal in a shamanistic effort to better explore and integrate these different ways of being into our human selves.
In Spring 2020, as government responses to coronavirus shut down human activity, the rest of the world thrived. Unmown verges flowered and seeded, animals moved into urban centres, air and water cleared, bird and fish populations began to recover. It has taken a pandemic for humans to register the profound effect our behaviour has on the species with which we cohabit this earth. BECOMING builds on a heightened sensitivity and commitment to finding a better way to live with rather than in spite of or at the expense of other life forms.
a work-in-progress exhibition
16th Sep - 1st Oct 2023
New Farm, Lydford on Fosse, TA11 7HA
(two doors up from the cross keys pub, opposite the bus shelter)
New Farm, Lydford on Fosse, TA11 7HA
(two doors up from the cross keys pub, opposite the bus shelter)
I was delighted to co-host a 📣 BECOMING BIRD WALK 📣 on Sunday 10th September as part of Hanna Tuulikki's programme of events celebrating ‘the bird that never flew’ at Glasgow Cathedral.
Responding to the habitat of the Necropolis, I shared fragments of poems to help participants sink into a deeper listening of the place. We listened and flocked and hummed and sang. Gradually rising to the top of the Necropolis in our growing appreciation of the birds in this place, becoming gradually more bird in our avian attunement, grieving the silence and absences, celebrating presence.
My next BECOMING BIRD WALK will take place at 7am, Sunday 1st October at New Farm, Lydford on Fosse.
See events page for more details.
Delighted to be interviewed by the fantastic landscape writer, Justin Hopper, for this brilliant podcast series.
Transreading Interspecies Empathy & Innovative Poetics
in association with