reading & sounding

A recording from the National Poetry Library's Special Edition series. An event exploring text and sound through performances by three artist-poets whose interdisciplinary practices involve sonic approaches to language: Camilla Nelson, Nicola Woodham and Emmanuelle Waeckerlé. Hosted by Iris Colomb. Recorded in the National Poetry Library on Wednesday 6 September 2023.

Image: visual produced with stills from Camilla Nelson’s BABBLE (2020).

new exhibition

Words from the Wild:

The Nature of Poetry

Davison Building Exhibition Space

Royal Holloway University

17th Jan -24th March 2024

Words from the Wild: The Nature of Poetry explores various forms of poetry that respond to the natural world. Beyond traditional written forms, it includes films, textile banners, sculptures in beeswax, and prints made from 'listening' to trees, alongside some of my fungal worm tracings, "A Moment of Writhing i-iv", from BECOMING / HERE.

Featuring pieces by award-winning eco-poets and language artists such as Susie Campbell, J.R. Carpenter, Susan Johanknecht, Katharine Meynell, Camilla Nelson and Redell Olsen alongside emerging talents in eco-poetry. Eco-poetry emphasises the observation and interaction with the more-than-human world, encompassing plants and fungi, animals, birds, insects, and the elemental and microbial processes of water, air, soil, and weather.

Curated by Caroline Harris, Briony Hughes, and Gareth Hughes of Royal Holloway, University of London and TECHNE researchers, in collaboration with the Royal Holloway Culture team, this exhibition offers a unique perspective on the intersection of language and nature.

new anthology

WALKING surveys the proliferation of pedestrian practices across contemporary art, taking an avowedly political stance on where and how the three practices of art, walking and writing intersect.

Across the world, walking is a vital way to assert one's presence in public space and discourse. Walking maps the terrain of contemporary walking practices, foregrounding work by Black artists, Indigenous artists and artists of colour, working-class artists, LGBTQI+ artists, disabled artists and neurodiverse artists, as well as many more who are frequently denied the right to take their places in public space, not only in the street or the countryside but also in art discourse. This anthology contends that, as a relational practice, walking inevitably touches upon questions of access, public space, land ownership and use. Walking is therefore always a political act.

Edited by Tom Jeffreys for MIT Press / The Whitechapel Gallery.


An Exhibition of Language Art

New work by Jennifer Baker, Susanne Eules, Mary Newell & Moira Russell,

participants of BECOMING: Interspecies Translation & Innovative Poetics (June-Aug 2023).


On November 25th, writers from around the world gathered for a 24 hour reading in support of Palestinian writers, Palestinian voices in diaspora, and their allies. We gathered in the spirit of fundamental respect for life and liberation. As individual poets, artists & writers, and representatives of independent arts organizations, we call for an end to all ongoing genocidal aggression globally. We condemn the collective punishment of Palestinians, we condemn actions that perpetuate cycles of violence, and we call for a global commitment to protect freedom of expression and critical dissent. 

Donate to Medical Aid Palestine here

Founded in 2014, Singing Apple Press is devoted to the material investigation of poem production, particularly in relation to plants. This small, West Country press produces hand-crafted, limited edition poem-prints, books, events, exhibitions and other language objects.

Camilla Nelson is a British language artist, small press publisher, creative programmer and freelance academic.  She has a PhD in Performance Writing from Falmouth University/Dartington College of Arts (2012). Her work explores the materiality of language in page-based poetry, soundwork, installation and performance. She is founding editor of Singing Apple Press, a Visiting Research Fellow at Bath Spa University (2023-2025) and member of the PLACE Collective.